We all know the feeling of being SICK of looking at your own stuff all over your home. It’s a constant clutter that you’re tired of seeing or that one piece of furniture that just doesn’t match the room at all but you kind of need it because…well….
That’s where people get stuck with said “stuff”. They let non-functional items sit around and pile up because they look pretty but they sure can get overwhelming. If you’re stuck in this position, or a familiar rut of pack-ratting everything you see, take a second look around. See if anything that you’re thinking of trashing is worth re purposing into something that could be helpful around the house. Making a few minor efforts can turn just about anything into something completely different but use-able.
If you’ve got any ideas or recommendations for how to refresh your home for that fresh, springtime feel, put them in the comments! If not, check out this great article to get you started with some easy, DIY ideas.